Wednesday, November 4, 2009

New York Review-Fun in The Big Apple!

Our trip to New York City was a great success. I highly recommend a visit for all of you who truly love a city vacation. There were so many exciting things to see and interesting people to meet and observe. Some of our favorite adventures follow. Enjoy.

Ah, Central Park in fall. I have to admit we were all very impressed with the beauty of it. An oasis amidst all the business of the city. We thoroughly enjoyed our walk through it. Funny- mentioning the walking, I do have to share that for the 4 days we were there, we spent most of the time walking. My sister-in-law wore her pedometer and we clocked 50miles around the city-JUST walking. The boys were actually great sports about it after a new pair of shoes for one and Red Bull for both. Walking is really the only way to get the most out of seeing the city.

The subway certainly provides a different form of transportation and entertainment. As it was Halloween weekend, we did expect to find people dressed up in costume. As we were obtaining our Metro cards for an early morning subway ride, I was poked in my back 3 times only to turn and see that next to me, was a young man 3/4 naked, dressed in a Chippendale tie, cuffs, and bikini. He got on our subway and ended up standing right next to us. I couldn't avoid commenting to him how daring that costume was and ask him where he put the money for the subway. He proceeded to share how he got stranded at a friends with no other clothes and now needed to get a pair of sweats purchased-FAST. I agreed. My boys just gawked at first, then acted as if they see it all the time on the streets of Waupaca, WI.

Of course, we visited all the usual sights. I found myself answering many questions as to why the sights didn't look quite the same as the movies they were featured in. The most disappointing being the Central Park Zoo. My children, who have watched Madagascar too many times to mention, were wondering where Marty, Gloria, Alex, and Marvin were. The zoo didn't even have any of these animals, but my children noticed that the clock in the movie was actually there. Thank you for small favors.

Lastly, we enjoyed the local wildlife. J and J (the boys) terrorized the pigeons, squeeled when a rat ran across the sidewalk in front of us one night, and admired all the New York "city" dogs. The reward of travel comes when my children realize how fortunate they are and empathize with those who don't have what most of us do. This trip taught them much, made them laugh, forced exercise (lots of it), and provided an experience I hope they never forget. You may hear more later as I share an embarrassing event that happened to me. Being able to laugh at ourselves is a true gift. WE LOVED NYC but it's good to be home.

Finding the Joy: Spending time together, especially while traveling, is a true blessing. We are thankful for the safe travel.


  1. in love this city! nice post. the first time for me in this city was 15 years ago. since than i've visited 6 times. inly one time i was with friends, the rest was with my family. what's so good in vegas is that there are so many things to do. even if you come alone/with your wife/kids/parents..its amazing! thanks for the ideas!

  2. Thanks for the comment! I really found it helpful to have a guide book. I was able to plan all in advance so we could see a lot in 4 days and really have a "feel" for the city. I think this type of planning is important for travel with children in a big city.
