Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Let the Basement Remodel Begin!

First, I must apologize for the blurry pictures, but you get the point. Our basement is in the middle of demolition. This room started out as a dank dark blue paneled room with outdoor carpeting and tiny windows. The goal: to turn it into a place my man can enjoy and the children can play and have large slumber parties. This is a lofty goal on a limited budget, but we are always up for a challenge. Since these pictures were taken, my husband has proceeded to take a concrete saw and enlarge the 3 tiny windows to fit nice-sized sliders so that the children and guests might actually have a chance to escape in case of fire. He has also, in his eagerness, carved out a 4th window (guess he really liked using that saw) that will even out the numbers on each wall. I love to watch rooms transform into usable updated spaces, and especially like to see it done on a budget. It provides inspiration to those of us who are unable to afford professional decorators. Look forward to updates on how this is coming along. I know I can't wait to see the finished product.

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