Wednesday, November 18, 2009

More on New York City and Children

I feel that my children live a pampered life compared to many others in the world. While we don't have too much money, we do have heat, food, electricity, clothes, clean water, and all the other necessities. We also have many non-essentials such as a Wii, 3 televisions, a Nintendo DS, every Hot Wheel ever made, every action figure known to the younger generation, and all forms of building blocks. You get the idea.

We arrive in New York late at night because our plane was delayed. We are all tired by the time we reach our hotel. Uh-hem, Hostel. We check in and find out we are on the 4th floor and we have to all pile into a tiny elevator that moves at the speed of a snail. We step off the elevator onto a floor that I can only say looked like somebody threw up raspberry sherbet all over the walls. I tell the kids we will be fine and this will be an adventure, then we head to our room. Once the door is open, all of us start looking for the light switch. About 3 minutes later, I notice something hanging from the ceiling. It is a piece of string to which I then pull and the only light in the room comes on. Maybe we should have just kept the light off. My middle child, being the pampered middle that he is, exclaims "what is THAT about? This room doesn't even have a switch?" I then explain to him that this is still a common observance in some parts of the world and we will survive pulling the string. Well, the hostel didn't have bugs, or rats, but there was a bird in the room next door and we weren't sure if it was the occupants' or one that had taken residence from the outside. We shared an interesting experience sleeping in this different form of a hotel and we know we will laugh about those raspberry walls for years to come.

Wanted: Interior Decorator for the Candy Hotel/Hostel in NYC

P.S. I would have taken a picture but have to admit, I didn't want others to see where we had been willing to stay to save a few bucks.

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