Saturday, November 7, 2009

How I Met My Man-"Stallion"

At this time of Thanksgiving, I wanted to give special thanks for my great man-"stallion." We have been together almost 15 years now and it only gets better each year. Actually, it only gets more comfortable, like a great chenille chair with down cushions. He is my best friend and the one who if I HAD to pick one person that I was forced to spend all my time with-it would be him. We, of course, wouldn't always get along and I would do most of the talking, but he would be the person, nonetheless.

I love for people to share how they met their beloved, so for those of you who don't already know or want to hear it again, I will share how my husband and I came to get together. Our first date was on my birthday, which is coming up in a couple of weeks (I'll be 25 again!). I had just moved to Oshkosh after finishing nursing school and was looking for a house or condo to purchase. I ended up in my mans condo with the realtor when the realtor stated, "You would be a good match for the young man who lives here." My man was not in the condo at the time and when I left the viewing, he was down the block walking his dog and I could only see his back. I did not buy the condo and thought nothing else of it. I was a psychiatric nurse and wanted to work at the state mental hospital in Winnebago. I applied, was accepted, and wound up on the same unit as my man (there were 13 units at the hospital at that time, and no, he was not a patient). We worked together, and as he would exclaim to anyone who will listen, I eventually asked him out. The rest is full of the usual highs and lows with the end result being a long marriage and many boys. Life is good.

I love the story of how we found each other and it instills in me the belief that we are truly matched and were meant to be together. Of course, I need to remind myself of this everytime he decides to be a little lippy with me. So, I would like to start out the season of Thanksgiving by being thankful for my spouse. The joy I find in the comfort of having him is indescribable and such a blessing. I would love to hear other stories of how people met. Write and let me know!

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