Friday, November 6, 2009

The Christmas Season Has Begun

It's official! The Christmas season has begun. Anyone who knows anything about me knows that come November 1st, Christmas has begun at the Van Gysel house. My decorations are brought out and the transformation begins. The CD's are all switched to Christmas tunes and the seasonal movies are moved to the front of the cabinet. I also begin to read all the Christmas books we have in the boys' shelves to them at night before bed. What about Thanksgiving you ask? Well, I still believe in giving thanks and celebrating with the usual feast, but as for decorating, it's all about Christmas.

My children have learned that this is also the time when all the Christmas toy catalogs come out. The lists begin to pour from their little minds and hands as they claim every toy to be what they really want for the holiday. I find myself discouraging the toys that will require batteries of any kind and number or toys that will compete with the noise level in our active home. I also have to bring them down from the clouds and remind them that while the holiday will bring some gifts, the actual meaning is in the celebration of the birth of Christ. That can be difficult in today's world, where many would like to take out the religious aspect all together. I also have to reinforce the need to help others and give to others, especially those who will not be receiving a gift. Recently, we were discussing the reality of Santa and my children, ages 10, 8, and 5 were discussing the idea that since Santa is supposed to deliver a present to everyone on Christmas Eve, we didn't HAVE to get a gift for anyone else-he would take care of it. You can see now why I have to start early. It takes a couple of months just to get the true spirit of the season into their hearts.

So, the season for us has begun. I would love to hear from anyone who also feels the same and tell me what you do this time of year to feel the joy. Merry Christmas!

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