Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I'm Having A Moment

Excuse me, but aren't we Moms allowed to have a 'moment'? Let me explain, recently my 15 year old daughter completed and passed her driver's education class. She is counting the days (35) until she can apply for her temps. She also informed us that a young man at school would like to take her out. Can't I get over one moment before she springs another on me? I mean, I am to young for this to be happening, right? My first born learning to drive... now wanting to date. How can this happen so fast?

I would grin and bear it when older moms would say 'enjoy this time, they grow up so fast' (as I've got 2 kids holding my legs and one squalling in my arms while the 4th one is playing in the street). It sure didn't feel like they were growing up fast! Then, all of a sudden you turn around and it's happened, they've grown up. I'm not one to get too sentimental, but really, driving.. dating, how can this be?

So there you have it, my moments. Enjoy them while you've got them.

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