Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Holidays on a Budget

This time of year it's easy to get caught up in the shopping and spending, ignoring the credit card balance and hoping it will go away until spring. Due to a work injury, my husband has been out of work for almost two months. This has forced me to do some serious cutting back. I am spending less on gifts and trying to enjoy the season without all the 'stuff'. Here are a few ideas for putting more joy in the holiday and less cash:

- Check out some Christmas movies from the library and watch them as a family
- Light a candle and enjoy a good cup of coffee
- Enjoy family time around the fire playing games or singing carols
- Bake a batch of Christmas cookies before you have to, just for fun!
- Listen to Christmas music in the car
- Take a few minutes each day to count your blessings, and be thankful for that baby born in the manger
- Give homemade food gifts, not many of us need more stuff
- Send a handwritten card to a friend, reminding them of why you cherish their friendship
- Take the family for a walk or ride to look at Christmas lights
- Get out the good dishes for the family, even if it's just chili night

I hope this season will be one of special times with friends and family. Remember, it's all about relationships. God's blessings on you and yours.

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