Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Tables Have Turned

Today, I am at my mothers house. She has had knee replacement surgery this week, and my husband and I thought I could help her out for a few days while she recovered. My father is still in the house, but I think it is difficult for him to take on a caregiving role right away, he needs to have an adjustment period where he can acclimated to what is expected of him. In other words, my mother is not the best patient.

My father and I picked her up at the hospital and she was waiting on the side of the bed ready to go. She was a stellar patient in the hospital, doing her exercises, taking her medications, and hardly ringing the call bell at all. She insisted upon our arrival to the hospital that we go directly to Sam's Club to get some groceries-was she serious? She was. She had taken a pain med and was ready to take on the world. Instead, she took on Sam's, motoring around on one of those electronic carts and terrorizing the other customers. She wasn't heeding the warning not to drive around under the influence. Everyone survived and we made it home.

Today, she insisted on getting up her stairs to take a shower. Dad didn't like the idea, I was not sure. She won. It went well, but afterwards when she wanted to spend time on her computer, I put my foot down and insisted she take on the role of patient-what was I doing here anyway? She complied like a normal stellar patient would.

Taking care of my mom is a privilege and honor. After all the years of having been cared for by she and my dad, it is nice to return just a fraction of that favor back. It's also been nice having some time caretaking that doesn't involve diapers........well,yet anyway. I love you mom.

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