Sunday, October 25, 2009

Men Can Blog Here, Too

Today, I went into church and was pleased to find that a few people had noticed the email I sent about this blog and had checked on it. I was then teased by a couple of guys whom I consider handsome and intelligent (brownie points) that they didn't think they could subscribe to this blog. I am writing to inform any of you in the Y chromosome group that you are VERY welcome to visit the blog and add your opinions. Your wives will certainly like the blog, but we will be touching on topics such as raising children, submission in a marriage (what's that?), and being real in relationships while living in today's world. You might have an opinion, I know my husband always gives his even if its unsolicited. A matter of fact, he just stated he wants to be an author on this site. Stallion (my husband Heath) likes to pretend we live in the era of Little House on the Prairie and he is Charles offering all this sound advice to the rest of us, the Ingals minions. That must make me Carol in this scenario and I am not sure I fit that part. I'm probably closer to Mrs. Olsen. Anyway, consider this a formal invitation. You can now belong to an elite group of people striving to live a blessed and joyful life. RSVP

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